ITS A REALLY GREAT GAME!!! But does there have to be so many ads? Seriously though... When I click the X on the add it still brings me to the App Store
ITS A REALLY GREAT GAME!!! But does there have to be so many ads? Seriously though... When I click the X on the add it still brings me to the App Store
Can you imagine how STUPID it would be when youre dying in a hospital and your surgeon says, "Oops, cant afford that. Id better match cards." Its just really, really stupid. The minigames are utterly boring and hardly function, and there are ads in your face every 30 seconds. A complete waste of time.
This game is horrible there r way to many adds and and glitches a lot and exes out of the whole game. If u dont have enough coins it either makes u pay or play boring games and it takes forever to earn the coins. I hate the game!!
I love the surgery game its fun to play games for the diamonds and u get money to help
Every second I get dumb ads when I am trying to click on something I click a stupid ad I mean I am not trying to hate or anything It is a good game but the ads tho I would be glad if there were no more ads!!!
Dont get this app it makes you spend all your coins on 1 surgery and then it makes you spend coins on leveling up then you are able to do heart surgery and you font have any coins to buy the supplies for that.
I think there should be girls to!and more types of surgery.and WAY TO MANY ADDS!!one second Im on the next Im in the App Store!
It has to many adds, there is no point of the game. If you want a good surgery game dont get this. BELIEVE ME
I love this game but really why do u have to make so many pop ups ( commercial ads) ugh. U need to fix this please this is a great game and u tured it to a commercial app omg
This is the best game. I know that there are a lot of ads but I got rid of mine by TURNING OFF my data and wifi. It helps because the ads wont be able to load so they cant pop up
This app had an add pop up every time I hit a button, not to mention I never got those coins for the mini games. It just took me out of the game! The game was boring as well.
I dont even know where to start! Horrible graphics, ads around EVERY corner, no skill to the gameplay, and you cant even finish the second level without having to buy necessary tools! Then it leaves you in this loop with only options are either pay real money or close the whole game. Dont even get me started on the genius idea of offering to buy stickers to decorate? your happy heart surgery patient???
This game is super boring. It is nothing like the surgeon simulator that it is trying to copy. I deleted the app after waiting forever to get through the tutorial and having to look at the crappy graphics.
It just has to many ads
Horrible adds every where bad app
This game is horrible it told you how to do it for all the levels
Its the worst.I spend more time watching ads than playing .And this game is not funny,just drag the items!
Game is kinda fun!!! But there is so many freakin ads!!!! It was too frustrating trying to play with a pop up literally every 45 seconds.
This game is so entertaining with its unique design and gameplay. The game is mainly doing timed and precise operations to different people with different procedures needs. Great graphics and effects. Everything is very well designed and arrows appear to make sure you get help all the time. Humorous and challenging game to be entertained for hours.